Audition anecdotes

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Rebecca Mansueto.
Rebecca Mansueto.

Rebecca Mansueto shares her audition experience.

Present role: Cha Cha and Frenchy in ‘Grease the Musical’, Harmony of the Seas, Royal Caribbean Cruises.

"When I was home in Sydney in the midst of a nationwide lockdown, I wondered how soon I’d perform again. The country had just opened up its borders to the world when I sent off an email to Royal Caribbean to inform them I was clear from an injury and ready to work.

"One email later a dream opportunity presented itself when I was asked by lead talent casting Greg Graham to attend an audition in New York City for Grease the Musical. I remember sitting in my bedroom within a week of the audition thinking, “I need to book a flight and take a risk!” Sure enough I took that risk and jumped through all the hoops to make sure my paperwork and Covid protocols were covered!

"Less than a week later I flew into New York in the evening, learnt four dance combinations in a tiny hotel room and walked into the audition room at New Gen Studios on the 12th floor that very next morning! After a week long of auditions I was back in Australia waking up to an email of a contract for my dream role playing Cha Cha Di Gregorio!

"Take a risk and book that job!"

The above story is an extract from a special feature on auditions in the current (April/May/June) print issue of Dance Australia. Read more audition anecdotes! Buy the magazine from your favourite retailer or on-line here or here.

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