Meet the graduate: Cameron Holmes

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Trained: Tanya Pearson’s Academy

Now: Corps de ballet with the Australian Ballet and Jerry Mulligan in ‘An American In Paris’.

Cameron Holmes as Jerry Mulligan with Dimity Azoury as Lise Dassinin in 'An American in Paris'. Photo by Darren Thomas.
Cameron Holmes as Jerry Mulligan with Dimity Azoury as Lise Dassinin in 'An American in Paris'. Photo by Darren Thomas.

What is your best memory from your full-time studies?

One memory that always stands out for me would be the time TPA performed at a nursing home where Mrs Pearson was staying. It was such a special day and was very emotional for all the students and residents. That day has always meant a lot to me.

What is the main overall lesson you learnt?

The importance of balance. During full-time ballet training it is easy to get swept away with the physicality of ballet and trying to better yourself as a dancer every day. Sometimes as dancers we don’t understand how to stop and rest our bodies. There will be days where you don’t feel like pushing yourself and it’s important to respect that feeling and be kind to yourself. Basically, it is completely fine to be lazy every now and then.

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